Instructor: Alex Queris Calderón

Alex has been working in this trade since 1996. He has worked at and owned multiple tattoo shops throughout his career and is currently the owner and operator at Holey Rabbit in Orlando, Fl.

It is now a wonderful pleasure for him to teach, mentor, and be of the highest service to all prospective students. Working in the same twenty-mile radius for the past 25 years has allowed him to watch and understand trends in the trade. More importantly it allowed him to watch the life of a tattoo over time. This experience makes it possible for him to design tattoos that are meaningful and beautiful to the grave. Also, working through a tattoo apprenticeship as a body piercer introduced a higher level of sterile procedure that, at the time, was not common practice. Sharing these precautions with the tattooers of the time has helped make the trade much safer for the tradesmen as well as those receiving tattoos. These will be the main intentions of the teachings he will share. Helping future tattooers realize the responsibilities and opportunities that come from the intimate human contact in this trade is important to him.

Alex’s words from the heart:

“The physical strengthening that occurs through the implementing process and healing offer great rewards to the recipient. The process of deciding that one wants a tattoo and then seeing this idea to fruition is rewarding on the other side of the coin. When an idea or occurrence is so important to us that we wish not to forget and we honor it by having it put in our skin there is so much room for reflection, growth and healing to say the least. As a tattooer, realizing this can allow us to give much more to our clients than just a sticker or a decal of adornment. We can make a space for them that is conducive for healing their spirit while leaving them with a reminder of what can be considered a triumph. This trade has inspired gratitude in ways that could not have been expected. The ability to work in an art field for the past twenty years has been priceless. Working with people has brought forth lessons that would not normally be experienced. Being of service through an art medium such as this has been an incredible blessing. To teach others to be of service in this way will increase these blessings many fold. Looking forward to working with people of the same mind and heart.”

Look at some of Alex’s work:


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